Are you a Shambhalian dog owner…?

As we enter the new Tibetan calendar year, we are busily preparing for Shambhala Day 2018, which will be celebrated at our Centre on February 16 and February 18. In honour of the Earth Dog Year, Shambhala International is inviting Shambhala members worldwide to email a photo of them and their dog (sorry, cat owners…). … Continue 

Meet Linda Peterson, our Membership Coordinator

Linda uplifts the Centre in a multitude of ways, from her beautiful wood offerings, to coordinating the cleaning rota (on the kitchen bulletin board: check it out to discover how you can help), to generously answering your membership questions and needs as Membership Coordinator. More on membership here. In this interview with Lise Gaston, our Publicity … Continue 

Celebration of Children’s Day

On December 10th we celebrated the Winter Solstice and Shambhala Children’s Day. This holiday was instituted by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. It celebrates children and childhood and provides a special opportunity to express our appreciation for and with them. We shared a potluck lunch; children passed small toys through ceremonial smoke and put them on the shrine; … Continue 

Meet Our New Centre Co-Directors, Phyllis & Anita

Phyllis Woolley and Anita Christianson officially began their new roles as Centre Co-Directors this fall, but have been active and welcoming members of the Edmonton Shambhala community for years. Below, they share their very different paths, their mutual aspirations, and a few of their favourite things about living in Edmonton. How would you describe yourself? … Continue 

November Rigden Weekend

From November 17-19, participants from Edmonton, Calgary, and Nelson took part in a program called ‘Rigden Weekend’. The Rigden is a representation of our enlightened nature and embodies the principle of unconditional confidence. Historically, Rigdens were enlightened rulers—those who could “rule their world” based on their unwavering experience of basic goodness. The retreat was led … Continue 

Our Centre’s First Shastri

On November 19, David Kahane took his formal vow as Shastri for Edmonton from Acharya Susan Chapman. Shastris are senior teachers appointed by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, the spiritual leader of Shambhala, to serve a particular Shambhala Centre. You can watch a video of the ceremony; see the September official announcement of the appointment; and read Ben Hines’ … Continue